Sunday Services
Let’s spend Sunday mornings together! Service is held at 11 am CST/CDT.

You can attend in-person or watch our Livestream.

Our Unity in Spanish ministry has a weekly Sunday Service at 10 am.

What is our Sunday Service like?

Our Sunday Service is full of music and inspiration, laughter and hope.

Our Sunday Service usually follows this sequence:

Music from our house band - Bob Goodwin and Da' Band.

Greeting from a member of our community and opening statement.

Community song from our Music Team with lyrics projected for all to join in on.

Daily Word and prayers from one of our Prayer Chaplains.

Sermon and meditation from one of our guest speakers.

Offertory blessing.

Announcements for activities and classes.

Musical performance from a special guest artist.

Group singing of the "Peace Song".

Closing Prayer.


Other Ways to Worship With Unity of Dallas
Watch & Listen to Sunday Services

You can find videos of our Sunday Services (click the button below)...and Sunday Services are uploaded to YouTube for viewing.

You can also listen to the audio on our podcast (click the button below).

Videos on YouTube Audio Sermons