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A day of hearts and flowers

And cards that say “I love you”

Perhaps a box of candy

That expresses your point of view


A mailbox full of sentiments

That will make the receiver smile

And all it took was being romantic

And to go that extra mile


Think what your world would look like

If you did that everyday

You can bet that your Spirit would see the universe

In a whole brand-new way


Certainly, it is a sincere reminder

That could become a permanent part of your life

A perfect way of bringing happiness

Without even thinking about it once or twice


Practice these affections daily

And open your heart for all to see

Don’t limit your depth of caring

That is felt between you and me


Acknowledge all who you encounter

By giving them a hello and a smile

Maybe even open some doors

That has never been your style


What if you saved the day

For some poor soul in distress

Because believe me when its all said and done

You will be the one that is blessed


Stephen Daingerfield Dunn


author of: Yorkapedia: A Collection of Verses About The Yorkies In My Life, Divinely Different – a Tribute to Santa Fe, A Day in the Life of a Raindrop,  Bug Dreams, A Little Boy from Nowhere Texas, Christmas with Mr. Dunn, In God‘s Eyes, Can You Possibly Imagine, Designing with Mr. Dunn, The Book of Doe, Animals Anonymous