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Cherished weekly moments

Meeting lovingly once again

Embracing ever so delightfully

Truly the best of Spiritual friends


A treasured kind of love

Unlike any ever felt before

Giving one another that gift

Of being like-minded and adored


The most amazing magical moments

That is ours to be shared

Taking every Holy opportunity

To show each other how much we care


The glow of those Sunday mornings

Keeps one’s heart in a special place

Not to mention that smile of happiness

That you so proudly wear upon your face


How many were the eras

Where these angels were never found

And now it is almost impossible to find enough words

Are ways that one can expound


So patiently I shall count the hours and minutes

Until I can pray with you by my side

Do so with quiet serenity and reverence

Not to mention my community pride


I lovingly remember that sacred day

When I walked through those hallowed doors

Into this kingdom of saints and angels

That I shall always worship and adore


Stephen Daingerfield Dunn


author of: Divinely Different – a Tribute to Santa Fe, A Day in the Life of a Raindrop,

Bug Dreams, A Little Boy from Nowhere Texas, Christmas with Mr. Dunn, In God‘s Eyes, Can You Possibly Imagine, Designing with Mr. Dunn, The Book of Doe, Animals Anonymous