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Among its beautiful lessons, the Easter story reveals that death is not the end; it is only a physical event. It happens to our bodies and within our human circumstances, but it cannot touch our spirits, the eternal essence of God that we are. Death in its many forms—the people, places, things, thoughts, and habits we must let go—is not to be feared because we cannot die.

Life is eternal, far beyond this physical existence. In the Unity tradition, resurrection is Jesus’ final teaching for us. The risen Jesus tells us, There’s so much more to life than you have realized.

It puts divinity within our grasp. It reminds us that everything Jesus was, we are and more, just as he said. It lets us know we can survive anything—literally anything—because we will always keep living in one form or another. We are the energy of life because we are part of the one eternal presence and power in the universe.

That’s a pretty spectacular message any way you look at it, wherever you are in the cycle of death, tomb, and resurrection. We celebrate our divine, eternal selves this Easter.

Rev. Ellen Debenport

Rev. Ellen Debenport is a longtime Unity minister currently working as vice president of publishing for Unity World Headquarters. She is the author of Hell in the Hallway, Light at the Door and The Five Principles (Unity Books, 2009).